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New Feature: WaiverSync

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Smartwaiver’s Waiver Console is the command center for all of your signed digital waivers. This is where you can view, categorize, search and download waivers that your participants have submitted. It’s a super intuitive, easy-to-use and secure data storage system in the cloud.

Sometimes, however, you just need the ability to grab stuff off of your desktop and go. That’s why we developed WaiverSync

With WaiverSync you can set up Smartwaiver to automatically send copies of your signed digital waivers directly to your local hard drive. All you need is a free Google Drive account and a few minutes to set it all up and you’ll be on your way to storing copies of all of your waivers. It’s like WaiverMagic!

To learn how to set up WaiverSync check out the Support Pages or watch the short video below.


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